Braces for a Broken Smile
Loving a soul with a broken smile is almost as endearing as it is difficult; a great success at the end of a very bumpy road. We are the tired, hopeless romantics, searching for a feeling that at most times, seems like it's not there. I see this a lot more than I think I ever had before lately, watching them smile and laugh back at you as their insides crumble like ruined empires. These are the world's best people though, the leftovers of the beautiful and damned, the hardest to be with but the fiercest type of loyalty alive. It is that strange feeling of feeling left by the world stemming because someone who was once the world to them, left long ago. Feeling like dying and actually being dead inside are two entirely different sort of experiences, one of them is easier to come back from. When you feel like you're dying, it is because you are. You're in a steadfast decline towards a place there is no coming back from but it is possible to be stopped. It is not easy, bu...